Mouse anti-dsDNA IgG2a ELISA Kit
The Mouse anti-dsDNA IgG2a ELISA Kit is an immunoassaysuitable for quantifying or titering IgG2a antibody activity specificfor ds DNA in serum or plasma. Other biological fluids, includingtissue culture medium, may be validated for use. For researchuse only (RUO), not for diagnosis, cure or prevention of thedisease.
The Mouse anti-dsDNA IgG2aELISA kit is based on the binding ofmouse antibodies in samples todsDNA immobilized on themicrowells, and bound antibody isdetected by anti-mouse IgG2aspecific HRP-conjugate. After awashing step, TMB is added andcolor (blue) is developed, which isdirectly proportional to the amountof antibody present in the sample.Stopping Solution is added to terminate the reaction, and A450nmis then measured using an ELISA reader. The activity of mouseIgG2a antibody in samples is calculated relative to anti-DNAcalibrators.
Purified dsDNA is used to coat the microwells; thus the assay isspecific for antibodies directed to dsDNA. The anti-Mouse IgG2aHRP conjugate reacts specifically with mouse IgG2a subclassantibodies that bind to dsDNA on the plate. IgA, IgM, IgE and otherIgG subclass antibodies would not be measured abovebackground signals.
Assay Sensitivity:
The dsDNA coating level, HRP conjugate concentration and LowNSB Sample Diluent are optimized to differentiate anti-dsDNAIgG2a from background (non-antibody) signal with mouse serumsamples diluted 1:100.
The microtiter well plate and all other reagents, if unopened, arestable at 2-8oC until the expiration date printed on the box label.Stabilities of the working solutions are indicated under ReagentPreparation.
更多產品詳情,請聯系Alpha Diagnostic 中國區(qū)總代理 北京博蕾德生物科技有限公司